《高效能人士的7个心态》为渴望成功的人士给出了心态的方向定位。从心态的重要性入手,进而对决定人生的7大心态一一空杯、阳光、包容、中庸、乐观、平常、感恩,进行详细论述。众所周知,心态决定命运,如果你要改变自己的命运,首先要改变自己的心态。通过改变个人的心态,完善个人的修养。最终改变自己的命运。Cubs and Other Stories
The Cubs and Other Stories is Mario Vargas Llosa's only volume of short fiction available in English. Vargas Llosa's domain is the Peru of male youth and machismo, where life's dramas play themselves out on the soccer field, on the dance floor and on street corners. The title work, The Cubs, tells the story of the carefree boyhood of PP Cuellar and his friends, and of PP's bizarre accident and tragic coming of age. In a candid and perceptive foreword to this collection of early writing, Vargas Llosa provides background to the volume and a unique glimpse into the mind of the artist.寻梦无痕:史学的远航