女主就是二十一世纪的一枚国家运动员兼吃货,有一天突然发生意外穿越了,成了丞相嫡女,一个月黑风高的夜晚,她去追小偷,一个男的突然冲出来,因为一场意外不小心劫了她的色……更悲催的是,她居然不知道那男的是谁?算了,失忆得了,于是她开启“失忆”之旅。接着,她又邂逅了帅帅哒世子,就住在她家对面,又冷又帅的世子爷经常做出让她误会的事情,让她怦然心动……一枚吃货女穿越到古代与清冷世子的爱恋,是喜是忧?文内揭晓。推荐我的其它文《第99封情书:倒追校草大人》、《重生傲娇妻:总裁大人,我错了》Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter
'A comic novel on the grand scale written with tremendous confidence and verve. Mario, 18-year-old law student and radio news-editor, falls scandalously for his Aunt Julia, the 32-year-old divorced wife of a cousin, and the progressively lunatic story of this affair is interwoven with episodes from a series of radio soap-operas written by his friend Pedro Comacho. Vargas Llosa's huge energy and inventiveness is extravagant and fabulously funny.'