孙满堂指着水泊子说,你给我学一下,当年我是怎么跳进水里去抓鸭子的。我是这么说说,你要是怕冷,就算了。早春的水,仍有着彻骨的寒意,李满强把衣服脱光后,用脚试探了水,很快他就把脚收了回来,身后的孙满堂又恢复了刚才轻松的神态,他边笑边说,冷,就别下去了。李满强活动下臂膀,现在这水面一点儿都不像镜子,更像无底的深渊,深渊他也得跳进去,心甘情愿地跳进去,他一边活动着一边自言自语地说,不冷,一点儿不冷,我喘口气。不能再犹豫了,他大大喘了口气,然后跳进水里。水没有他想象的那么冷,当水没了他的肩膀的时候,他甚至感到有暖流在脚下流动。他听见身后的孙满堂在放声大笑着,那笑声一点儿都不刺耳,他觉得人家就应该这么笑。Cause to Save (An Avery Black Mystery—Book 5)
"A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go."--Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)From #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense: CAUSE TO SAVE (An Avery Black Mystery—Book 5)—the final installment in the Avery Black series.In the epic finale of the Avery Black series, serial killer Howard Randall has escaped, and the entire city of Boston is on edge. Women are turning up gruesomely murdered, and everyone suspects Howard is at it again.When Boston's most brilliant and controversial homicide detective—Avery Black—is herself stalked—and when people close to her are brutally killed, one by one—it seems the city's worst fears are confirmed.But Avery is not so sure. The murders remind her of something she once saw in her past. They remind her of something too close to her heart—something that had to do with a secret she thought she had buried long ago….超凡者的神奇无限网游