纪录片《中苏外交档案解密》在上海电视台播出后,受到观众和社会各界的极大关注,中苏关系对中国当代历史的影响非常重要,本书的出版,迎合了广大读者的阅读需求,并被多家媒体关注。原中共中央党史研究室副主任章百家、华东师范大学国际冷战史研究中心主任沈志华等专家也为此书写了推荐。”The Dream
Renowned for his nonfiction accounts of the historical events of which he was both an eyewitness and shaper, Churchill was also an occasional writer of fiction. This is one of his fictional works—a short story in which the ghost of his father, Randolph, pays him a visit. Churchill reveals to his father all the goings-on in the world since his death in 1985, leaving out one crucial detail—his own important part in determining the unfolding of these events.At once lyrical and nostalgic, The Dream is a fascinating foray into creative narration for Churchill—demonstrating a surprising weightiness of emotion and significance.