空旷的草地上绿色茸茸。阳光很强地从东天照下,露珠儿开始消融。绿色的氤氲在阳光里弥漫,然后笼罩草地使得一切缥缈又虚幻。酒神杜康于迷蒙中愈加庄严而神圣,冷兮兮地望着他面前的芸芸众生。几十坛粗陶酒坛一字排开,如一群直立的缩头老龟。粗坛色彩黝黑,凝重拙朴。坛身凸肚之处贴着大红的方纸。红色的方纸上写着粗犷的“酒”字,鲜艳夺目。不远的地方坐着十几位耄耋老翁,精神矍铄,盯着酒坛,满目贪婪。一队神汉巫婆身穿怪服,面目狰狞,给人以面临地狱般的恐怖。相公们赤身露肉,黝黑的光脊上绘着各种图案。阳光在图案的间隙间跳荡,扑朔迷离。正中间站着的是两个赤肚娃娃,面目惶惑又呆然。他们的面前放着一个个大木盆。Selected Poems, 1930-1988
It was as a poet that Samuel Beckett launched himself in the little reviews of 1930s Paris, and as a poet that he ended his career. This new selection, from Whoroscope (1930) to 'what is the word' (1988), describes a lifetime's arc of writing. It was as a poet moreover that Beckett made his first breakthrough into writing in French, and the Selected Poems represents work in both languages, including the sequence of brief but highly crafted mirlitonnades, which did so much to usher in the style of his late prose, and come as close as anything he wrote to honouring the ambition to 'bore one hole after another in language, until what lurks behind it - be it something or nothing - begins to seep through.' Also included are several of Beckett's translations from contemporaries - Apollinaire, Eluard, Michaux, Montale - in versions which count among his own poetic achievements. It is edited by David Wheatley.史记故事(导读本)(上册)