一个用文字和灵魂跳舞的女子,五十多篇有趣又有料的原创故事。专治生活迷茫、犹豫不决等疑难杂症。一个人最面目可憎的时候,就是一边抱怨生活,一边还躺着不动的时候。整日庸碌无为,还安慰自己平凡可贵。《不讨好别人,不将就自己》中,西风南浦说:请相信,这个世界上,总有一些仰望星空而永远热泪盈眶的人,用自己的努力来和那些鄙视他们的人争夺这个世界。你无须讨好别人,但必须学会提升自己。一个内心丰盈的人,无论处于什么样的年龄,都能把日子过得简约而精致,不纠结,不迷茫。如何成为一个有品位、有教养、有尊严、有见识的人?你可以在《不讨好别人,不将就自己》中找到答案。The Kennedy Years: From the Pages of The New York
The year 2013 is the 50th anniversary year of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, who still ranks as one of the top five presidents in every major annual survey. To commemorate the man and his time in office, the New York Times has authorized a book, edited by Richard Reeves, based on its unsurpassed coverage of the tumultuous Kennedy era. The Civil Rights Movement, the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, the space program, the Berlin Wall—all are covered in articles by the era's top reporters, among them David Halberstam, Russell Baker, and James Reston. Also included are new essays by leading historians such as Robert Dallek and Terry Golway, and by Times journalists, including Sam Tanenhaus, Scott Shane, Alessandra Stanley, and Roger Cohen. With more than 125 color and black-and-white photos, this is the ultimate volume on one of history's most fascinating figures.反派boss改造计划
奔波在漫漫宇宙中的系统好不容易绑定了一个各项指标都符合的完美宿主,但这小姐姐怎么和它扫描的数据不符合?【小姐姐,你过目不忘吗?】“小意思。”【小姐姐,你可以徒手接大招吗?】“小意思。”【小姐姐,你有一颗积极向上敬业友善的心吗?】“小意思。”然而无敌如小姐姐,也有走不动路的时候。【小姐姐你在做什么!】“那个妹子……好萌好可爱!”流口水……【小姐姐不要管妹子啦,看这里,温柔可爱小奶狗,随时可以压倒哦~】天夜:“够萌够可爱。喜欢,我的!”本文1V1,女主强悍自带金手指。求收藏,求推荐,求订阅。Birthday Party
Stanley Webber is visited in his boarding house by strangers, Goldberg and McCann. An innocent-seeming birthday party for Stanley turns into a nightmare. The Birthday Party was first performed in 1958 and is now a modern classic, produced and studied throughout the world.