我文明父亲也不见了。再怎么也找不见了。再之后人们发现我爷爷奶奶的墓旁添了一座新坟。人们惊讶和害怕得说不出话来,他们不知道这座新坟怎样添上去的,它是谁的?我知道,它是我文明父亲的。书写也终于撑不下去了,我虽然做他的儿子不久,却有感情了,书写不愿意死,我也不愿意死,虽然大家病得很难过,可命运无情,死前书写拉着水莲的手哭了很久,我也随着哭了很久。生命终结前的一刻,我的魂魄离开了书写,回到我文明父亲身旁,我告诉他,我这一生,最爱的是他,最恋的也是他。我告诉他,如果他有幸再次做人,我还做他的肾为他排毒。我父亲把我捧进手里放声大哭。Dropping Ashes on the Buddha
Somebody comes into the Zen center with a lighted cigarette, walks up to the Buddha statue, blows smoke in its face, and drops ashes on its lap. You are standing there. What can you do? This is a problem that Zen Master Seung Sahn is fond of posing to his American students who attend his Zen centers. Dropping Ashes on the Buddha is a delightful, irreverent, and often hilariously funny living record of the dialogue between Korean Zen Master Seung Sahn and his American students. Consisting of dialogues, stories, formal Zen interviews, Dharma speeches, and letters using the Zen Master's actual words in spontaneous, living interaction with his students, this book is a fresh presentation of the Zen teaching method of instant dialogue between Master and student which, through the use of astonishment and paradox, leads to an understanding of ultimate reality.疲惫生活中的英雄梦想