随着现代高新技术的迅猛发展和广泛应用,正在引发世界范围的军事变革,不断产生着前沿武器。前沿武器是指与传统武器相比,在基本原理、杀伤破坏力和作战方式上都有本质区别,是处于研制或探索之中的新型武器。Hiroshima Mon Amour
One of the most influential works in the history of cinema, Alain Renais's Hiroshima Mon Amour gathered international acclaim upon its release in 1959 and was awarded the International Critics' Prize at the Cannes Film festival and the New York Film Critics' Award. Ostensibly the story of a love affair between a Japanese architect and a French actress visiting Japan to make a film on peace, Hiroshima Mon Amour is a stunning exploration of the influence of war on both Japanese and French culture and the conflict between love and inhumanity.