《散文》创刊于1980年1月,是我国第一家专发散文作品的纯文学刊物。创刊之初,便确立了思想上追求高格调,艺术上追求高水准的办刊宗旨,二十年如一日的坚持,使得《散文》成为一份高雅纯净,独具品位的刊物,推出了包括贾平凹、赵丽宏、詹克明、李汉荣等在内的大批优秀散文作家及作品,得到了广大读者和社会的认可。从创刊至今,《散文》一直以它独特的魅力力证着自己的存在,坚持呈现当代中国巅峰笔意,鼓励作者表达发现,呈现了一种罕见的沉思的品质和悲悯情怀,是当代文学界尤其是散文界极具分量的文学读本,在读者、作者、文学评论者心中地位崇高,影响遍及海内外华人世界。History of the Twentieth Century
The 20th century has been one of the most unique in human history. It has seen the rise of some of humanity's most important advances to date, as well as many of its most violent and terrifying wars. This is a condensed version of renowned historian Martin Gilbert's masterful examination of the century's history, offering the highlights of a three-volume work covering more than 3,000 pages.From the invention of aviation to the rise of the Internet, and from events and cataclysmic changes in Europe to those in Asia, Africa, and North America, Martin examines art, literature, war, religion, life and death, and celebration and renewal throughout the world, and throughout this turbulent and astonishing century.王者荣耀之寒星下的救赎
【《王者荣耀之寒星下的救赎》】“一夜又一夜被惊醒,寒星下的别离……”失去过往,失去血脉,失去希望。唯独不想再失去那个银色娇小的身影,背负一切罪恶只为守护你。终有一刻,我们会共同救赎所有,破灭一切诅咒……(本小说改编自王者荣耀长城守卫军,铠和露娜的故事,全免费阅读!扣群:577962035) 天雪祈愿,回眸一笑,触我之心。 意失灭族,心爱之人,忍痛背负。 战场之上,小小身影,再映心中。 月季深林,重拥入怀,温柔点缀。 星月誓约,永不分离,永生永世。 长安大街,万众瞩目,属于你我。 银白双身,神仙眷侣,愉著佳话。