想她顾倾之,年方十八,貌美如花,家世显赫,钱随便花。怎么就找了一个二婚夫君,还带着一个六岁孩童,这不是眼神有问题吧?一朝醒悟,后娘难当,还请夫君赐她一封休书,自在回娘家!“相爷,不好了,夫人又去老太君那里,说是要自请下堂。”小厮着急的说道。白修然一顿,放下书:“告诉老太君,吾儿不可一日无娘。”“相爷,不好了,刘公公传话过来,夫人当着皇上的面,请求下堂。”小厮又着急的说道。“是吗?”白修然森然一笑,让旁边的小厮冷汗直冒,咋感觉自家相爷黑化了。“你把这个帖子交给刘公公,让他帮忙给皇上带一句话,就说修然连家事都管理不好,恐难帮助皇上管理国事,还是辞了这官,回归乡野。”Realm of the Pagans
Martine is happily engaged to Kelvin until he unceremoniously dumps her in Greece. When handsome, arrogant Luke Leoros proposes instead, Martine is happy to accept--only to prove to Kelvin that she's over him.But Luke is also no stranger to heartbreak--and after his own painful breakup, he no longer believes in love. Still, Martine finds herself irresistibly drawn to him--and his caresses set her blood on fire. When Kelvin returns and begs her to take him back, will Martine agree or stay with the man who stirs her passion and her heart?