蓝呗兒兴高采烈的赶着佣人,亲自下厨。只为迎接许久未回家的皇甫逸尘。而当他回来的目的,竟然是离婚。离婚就离婚,为毛还要纠缠不清?当初要离婚的人是他,现在要复婚的也是他。他当我蓝呗兒是什么?要就要,不要就扔掉的垃圾吗?她可以逃啊!五年之后“皇甫逸尘,你到底想怎样?”蓝呗兒黑着一张脸的看着这个无耻的男人。“我能怎样?五年了!气也该消了吧!跟我回去吧”皇甫逸尘看着这个让他又爱又恨的女人认真的说到。蓝呗兒一脸妩媚的笑着,说出来的话却是这样的“你做梦去吧!”说完又逃了They Hanged My Saintly Billy
A self-confessed forger, cheat, thief, and petty criminal, William Palmer was also a surgeon and a racehorse owner during the Victorian era who doped horses, fixed races, philandered unapologetically, and generally behaved as an all-around rogue. But the crime for which he was condemned was altogether more serious: poisoning numerous members of his family as well as a close friend. Based on the historic trial of a man characterized as a sociopath and a serial killer, Robert Graves tells the story from the defendant's point of view, the story of a man who was deeply flawed but ultimately not beyond redemption.Based on a historical trial held in 1856, Robert Graves' novel is brimming with humor, emotion, and social commentary. Told through the eyes of both friends and enemies, Palmer comes to life as a not-unsympathetic antihero.家长是孩子的人生规划师