本书融《三十六计》的原文翻译、兵法导读、典故介绍、精彩案例、活学活用于一体.内容丰富,解析到位,让读者在领略“三十六计”的精髓同时,更能掌握高超的销售技巧,成为无往不胜的赚钱高手。Death by Rock 'n' Roll
(A 90-page True Crime Short with photographs) On April 1, 1984, Marvin Gaye--one of the world's most beloved singers--was gunned down by his own father. A generation later, fans still puzzle over how it could be that a man who crooned about peace, love, and understanding could possibly meet with such a violent end--and from his own flesh and blood. Yet the history of popular music is written in blood.