《呼啸山庄》描写的吉卜赛弃儿希刺克厉夫被山庄老主人收养后,因不堪受辱和恋爱受挫,外出致富。回来后发现女友凯瑟琳已与地主林顿结婚,继而产生对地主及其子女进行报复的故事。全篇充满了强烈的反压迫、求自由的斗争精神,又始终笼罩着离奇、紧张、浪漫的艺术气氛。作品开始曾被人称作是年轻女作家脱离现实的天真幻想,但结合其所描写地区激烈的阶级斗争和英国当时的社会现象,不久又被评论界给予高度肯定,并受到广大读者的热烈欢迎。King Jesus
In Graves' unique retelling of his life, Jesus is very much a mortal, and the grandson of King Herod the Great. When his father runs afoul of the King's temper and is executed, Jesus is raised in the house of Joseph the Carpenter. The kingdom he is heir to, in this version of the story, is very much a terrestrial one: the Kingdom of Judea. Graves tells of Jesus' rise as a philosopher, scriptural scholar, and charismatic speaker in sharp detail, as well as his arrest and downfall as a victim of pitiless Roman politics.