本书在“美国有史以来十大心灵类畅销书”当中排名第9!2014年2月美国《时代》杂志封面报道;2009年发源于硅谷的核心课程,Twitter、Instagram和Facebook公司的总裁发起,2014年超过2000人参与;谷歌公司内部每年举办4次正念课程,每次长达7周,帮助几千名谷歌员工拓展思维空间,激发创意和灵感;在财富500强高管、美国国防部高级官员中广为流传,摩根大通甚至建议客户通过正年来进行投资活动。正念的本质是让你回归感知。它好比一条回家的路,让你回到与生俱来的强大意识之中。我们每个人天生就拥有这样的感知能力,我们每个人都能集中精力活在当下。Vernon God Little
Hailed by the critics and lauded by readers for its riotously funny and scathing portrayal of America in an age of trial by media, materialism, and violence, Vernon God Little was an international sensation when it was first published in 2003 and awarded the prestigious Man Booker wkkk.net memorable portrait of America is seen through the eyes of a wry, young, protagonist. Fifteen-year-old Vernon narrates the story with a cynical twang and a four-letter barb for each of his townsfolk, a medley of characters. With a plot involving a school shooting and death-row reality TV shows, Pierre's effortless prose and dialogue combine to form a novel of postmodern gamesmanship.