"A wily thriller-fantasy … Each discovery sounds like the voice of a storyteller reminding us of how the gods play with our fates."New York TimesWinner of the Finlandia Award, Troll: A Love Story is an enchanting novel that has become an international sensation. Angel, a young photographer, comes home from a night of carousing to find a group of drunken teenagers in the courtyard of his apartment building, taunting a wounded, helpless young troll. He takes it in, not suspecting the dramatic consequences of this decision. What does one do with a troll in the city? As the troll's presence influences Angel's life in ways he could never have predicted, it becomes clear that the creature is the familiar of man's most forbidden feelings. A novel of sparkling originality, Troll is a wry, beguiling story of nature and man's relationship to wild things, and of the dark power of the wildness in ourselves.沫凉女孩:我的专属殿下
好奇是成长的原动力。在科学史上,许多重大的发明发现都与科学家小时候好奇心强密切相关。 愿意思考、喜欢探索是孩子的一种天性。每个健康的孩子都会这么做的。对许多家长来说,孩子的问题是许多欢乐和烦恼的源头。那么,如何面对对什么都充满好奇的孩子?善意的谎言或者是支支吾吾的解释?其实都不必要。本书作者辑纳了孩子最常提出的一百多个问题,根据孩子的年龄和生长发育特点有针对性地进行了回答,并请专家进行了分析和点评,无疑是一本父母必备的“问题宝典”。