《专业与美丽:奥美资深公关人的职场平衡智慧》集结了资深公关人丁菱娟在台湾《经济日报》等刊物上发表的专栏文章,展现了这样一名从曾经的文艺少女成长为干练、成功的职业经理人的女性,在职场和创业当中对专业精神的感悟,以及她始终保持着的那份率性、美丽的真性情。站在公司老板和“过来人”的角度,丁菱娟用篇篇短文提点读者,如何专业地摆平各种棘手难题、如何明智地权衡情理法、以及如何平衡工作与生活的关系,进而找到快乐工作的秘方:专业是谋生的必备基础,美丽是人脉关系的加值条件。Useless Bay
On Whidbey Island, the Gray quintuplets are the stuff of legend. Pixie and her brothers have always been bigger and blonder than their neighbors, as if they were birthed from the island itself. Together, they serve as an unofficial search-and-rescue team for the island, saving tourists and locals alike from the forces of wind and sea. But, when a young boy goes missing, the mysteries start to pile up. While searching for him, they find his mother's dead body instead —and realize that something sinister is in their midst. Edgar-nominated author M. J. Beaufrand has crafted another atmospheric thriller with a touch of magical realism that fans of mystery and true crime will devour.