顾暖从许凉给她补习开始,就一直计划着将他拐回家,衣服一件一件往家搬,奈何许大神迟迟不开窍。等到很久的某一天,许凉发现无衣可穿,深思熟虑之后,终于做了一个决定。顾暖回到家意外发现她的床上正躺着一位美男子,顾暖羞涩捂脸……这不撩则已,一撩惊人啊!One Pot Meals (Sheila Lukins Short eCookbooks)
For over twenty years, PARADE food editor, writer, and chef Sheila Lukins has inspired would-be chefs across the country with her accessible and easy-to-prepare Simply Delicious recipes. This e-cookbook is a compilation of Sheila's favorite chicken recipes from her time at PARADE, written with the busy home cook in mind.In addition to dozens of creative and succulent chicken recipes, this book provides an easy tutorial on how to roast the perfect chicken and carve poultry at the table. Readers get plenty of delicious and fun ideas for jazzing up a weeknight chicken dinner or creating the perfect special-occasion meal—that are sure to delight the entire family.