虚空中,元乐从睁开眼睛就在仔细的观察四周情况,一片漆黑,整个身体轻飘飘的,无处着力。难道这就是死后的场景一点都没有小说电影里那样恐怖,还以为能看到牛头马面呢。元乐没想到作为21世纪的进步女青年,还没来得及完成自己的梦想,就因为一场拍戏事故早早的断送了自己的性命,做了多年的三流演员,终于上了一次头条却是这样的情况,真不知是该哭还是该笑。元乐想到额度为0的银行卡也没有什么遗憾了,还好活着的……The Chronicles of Faerie
The third book in this critically acclaimed trilogy, which Booklist described as "shimmering with magic, myth, and romance" Dana has few memories of her mother, who disappeared when she was small. But she has always dreamed, despite her father's discouragement, that her mother would come back one day. When her dad decides to leave Ireland and take a job across the ocean in Canada, Dana is heartbroken. How can she leave her home and the only chance of seeing her mother again? She runs away, high into the fairy mountains of Ireland. Following ancient paths, with a mysterious wolf companion at her side, Dana encounters a world of tragic enchantment and fairy romance, and discovers a great secret about herself. With lush descriptions and rich Celtic lore, plus cameo appearances by characters from the previous books, this latest chronicle will satisfy fans of the series and entice new readers.薛忆沩对话薛忆沩:“异类”的文学之路