书中的主人公(平天公子)自母体出生以来身怀奇世异宝,由于异宝在体内得不到相有的克制,导致他全身浮肿,且双腿不能自主,使他成为一个整天以轮椅代步的残童,但他意志坚定从未放弃刻苦修炼,以求早日救醒沉睡多年的爹娘.在多次机缘巧合的奇遇中,使他不但因祸得福身体康复,而且还将自身的异宝收服.在身体复原法力大增后而他却不能以原身份现身,化身为一名劫后余孤,从新拜入青龙山修行,心爱的师姐近在咫尺却如隔万里之遥.为了能早日救醒爹娘他巧妙入得青龙山重地藏剑阁内暗自日夜苦修,在同门之中他是一个众所周知的书呆子,因此也成为同门之中的一大笑柄,可谁曾想到在一场选拔剑主的应试中,他却能一鸣惊人!从此引出他不平凡的一生Arena 3 (Book #3 in the Survival Trilogy)
"Shades of THE HUNGER GAMES permeate a story centered around two courageous teens determined to buck all odds in an effort to regain their loved ones. A believable, involving world, recommended for those who enjoy dystopian novels, powerful female characters, and stories of uncommon courage." --Midwest Book Review, D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer (regarding Arena 1)ARENA 3 is book #3 in the Bestselling Survival Trilogy, which begins with ARENA 1, a free download.After nearly freezing to death on their trek north, Brooke and her small group wake to find themselves in civilization. They have found the utopian city, hidden deep in a remote stretch of Canada. They have heat, food, comfortable beds, clean clothes, and security. Finally, they have made it.As Brooke recovers, she meets the mysterious survivors who inhabit this city, and who vie for her love. She trains again, enhancing her fighting skills greatly under the wing of a new mentor, and matures into a woman.