本书作者以温暖的笔触叙写了文学大师杨绛先生的百年人生——风风雨雨,有起有伏、有悲有喜。内容主要涉及:杨绛先生童年的成长、家庭的变迁、求学历程,以及她同钱钟书半个多世纪相濡以沫的爱情,从而描摹出一位博学、睿智、宽容、淡定、从容、坚强和韧性的奇女子。此外,杨绛先生对抗战火、疾病、政治风暴、生离死别的态度,堪称生命的正能量。翻开《最贤的妻,最才的女:杨绛传》,你将看到一串串精彩的故事,经受一次次精神的洗礼。Ride The Nightmare
At 32, Chris Martin lives a conventional life. He's married with a daughter, runs his own small business, and is working to save up money for a bigger home with his wife, Helen. He is happy and content with this staid but comfortable existence—until a late weeknight phone call turns everything upside down.Chris hasn't always been the model family man he appears to be. And when his past catches up to him, the terror comes into his home—just where he thought he was safest. As Chris finds all that he loves under attack, he must go to heroic lengths to keep his family and his life together.