她被人丢入乱葬岗,而他在远处看着。当她醒来。血眸,是血族的专属,却是人族的禁忌。本来好好的一个死人,忽然变成了血族?魅眸中风云涌动,两句不同音色的“合作愉快”,心中所想亦是不同。墨凌语:我不想知道你的目的,但最好不要来招惹我。这边,男人神色极其乖巧:“我保证,不会对你有任何想法。”墨凌语神色隐忍:“那你抓着我的手放你身上做什么?!”男人面上浮现一丝委屈:“这样就是你对我有非分之想呀”My Life in Pink & Green
Twelve-year-old Lucy Desberg is a natural problem-solver. At her family's struggling pharmacy, she has a line of makeover customers for every school dance and bat mitzvah. But all the makeup tips in the world won't help save the business. If only she could find a way to make it the center of town again—a place where people want to spend time, like in the old days. Lucy dreams up a solution that could resuscitate the family business and help the environment, too. But will Lucy's family stop fighting long enough to listen to a seventh-grader? In a starred review, Kirkus said this novel "successfully delivers an authentic and endearing portrait of the not-quite-teen experience," and Booklist called it "a warm, uplifting debut." Readers everywhere have responded to Lucy's independence and initiative—not to mention her great style.