《中国当代文学经典必读:2014中篇小说卷》选取了2014年公开发表的优秀中篇小说9篇,包括方方、叶广芩、鲁敏、邵丽等名家新作,代表了中国当代中篇小说年度创作的总体面貌,主编为中国最权威文学研究机构中国现代文学馆馆长、著名文学评论家吴义勤,他以专业眼光严格遴选,并附有专业评论。Sweeney Astray
Sweeney Astray is Seamus Heaney's version of the medieval Irish work Buile Suibhne - the first complete translation since 1913. Its hero, Mad Sweeney, undergoes a series of purgatorial adventures after he is cursed by a saint and turned into a bird at the Battle of Moira. The poetry spoken by the mad king, exiled to the trees and the slopes, is among the richest and most immediately appealing in the whole canon of Gaelic literature. Sweeney Astray not only restores to us a work of historical and literary importance but offers the genius of one of our greatest living poets to reinforce its claims on the reader of contemporary literature.女王崛起:极品元素师