Before He Feels (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 6)
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 900 five star reviews), comes book #6 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.In BEFORE HE FEELS (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 6), FBI special agent Mackenzie White is stunned to be assigned a case with victims matching no profile she has ever seen: shockingly, all of the victims are blind.Does this mean that the killer himself is blind, too?Plunged into the subculture of the blind, Mackenzie struggles to understand, finding herself out of her element as she crisscrosses the state, racing from group homes to private houses, interviewing caretakers, librarians, experts and psychologists.And yet, despite the best minds in the country, Mackenzie seems unable to prevent the spree of killings.Has she finally met her match?每个孩子都应该知道的世界经典名著
《每个孩子都应该知道的(世界经典名著)》由美国散文家汉密尔顿·莱特·梅彼从流传已久的中外名著中摘选、改编得来,拥有健康的基调、良好地阅读氛围、扎实的文学底蕴,迎合了多种多样的风格和口味,更重要的是,它非常的有趣。同时,其横向分类对青少年读者的文学修养和阅读能力有针对性的提升。《每个孩子都应该知道的(世界经典名著)》的第一版于1907—1915年期间陆续推出,百年来受到无数欧美读者的追捧。因此《每个孩子都应该知道的(世界经典名著)》得以多次在美、英、法、德等等欧美国家重新改编出版,深得读者欢迎和喜爱。THE HERITAGE OF DEDLOW MARSH and Other Tales