布瓜博士的伟大发明——时空飞碟。它可以带着主人到任何想去的时间和地点。乐乐淘和小猴搭乘着时空飞碟来到上个世纪初的埃及,见识到了金字塔的神秘力量、法老咒语的威力和木乃伊的诡异;接着他们又通过时空穿梭机来到秦皇陵、莫高窟、进入恐龙时代,解密百慕大三角……For Now and Forever (The Inn at Sunset Harbor—Book
Emily Mitchell, 35, living and working in New York City, has struggled through a string of failed relationships. When her boyfriend of 7 years takes her out for their long-awaited anniversary dinner, Emily is sure that this time will be different, that this time she will finally get the ring.When he gives her a small bottle of perfume instead, Emily knows the time has come to break up with him—and for her entire life to have a fresh start.科学的楷模(科学知识大课堂)