由杨志学和唐诗两位博士诗人主编的〈中国年度优秀诗歌〉已经由我社连续出版了6年,取得了较大影响,已渐成品牌.本书遴选本年度发表在全国各大报刊的优秀诗歌300余篇,收入约200位新老诗人的作品,这些作品深入挖掘人类的情感,在表达手法上也力求创新.所表达的情感都符合正能量的原则,有益于读者陶冶身心.从中可看到本年度诗歌发展风貌,也为相关专家研究中国新诗提供样本.The Great Disarmament 百万大裁军
《百万大裁军》讲述了一个关于裁军的故事。1985年5月23日至6月6日中央军委在北京召开的扩大会议,会议的主要内容就是贯彻党中央、国务院关于裁减军队员额100万,军队进行精简整编和体制改革。Rites of Passage
The first volume of William Golding's Sea Trilogy. Sailing to Australia in the early years of the nineteenth century, Edmund Talbot keeps a journal to amuse his godfather back in England. Full of wit and disdain, he records the mounting tensions on the ancient, sinking warship where officers, sailors, soldiers and emigrants jostle in the cramped spaces below decks. Then a single passenger, the obsequious Reverend Colley, attracts the animosity of the sailors, and in the seclusion of the fo'castle something happens to bring him into a 'hell of degradation', where shame is a force deadlier than the sea itself. "e;The work of a master at the full stretch of his age and wisdom - necessary, provoking, urgent, rich, complex and rare"e;. (The Times). "e;An extraordinary novel"e;. (Observer). "e;Golding's best and most accessible story since Lord of the Flies"e;. (Melvyn Bragg).消失的殖民星球