风水术是一种传统的文化观,一种广泛流传的民俗,一种趋吉避凶的术数,一种有关环境与人的学问,同时也是调整和改造命运的一种玄学。人生活于天地间,不能脱离周围的环境,但环境千差万别,具有不平衡性。客观上存在着相对较好的,适合人们生活的,给人们带来幸运、吉祥的环境,也存在着相对而言险恶,给人们生活带来不便、困苦和不吉利的环境。创造、改变自己周围的环境,使我们有一个更加美好、祥和、吉利的生活空间。Dog Beach Unleashed (The Seagate Summers #2)
Remy can't wait for another summer on Seagate Island. It's time to bring back her successful dog-sitting business on Dog Beach and see her favorite friends. But instead of sunny days and fun in the sand, the summer is off to a rainy start. Remy and the dogs have cabin fever, and, to make matters worse, her friendship with her longtime pal, Bennett, is starting to feel complicated. What can one twelve-year-old do to create summer magic when the summer doesn't seem to be showing up?