木鸢死后变成了鬼,多年后她被系统找上门‘升级争霸系统’?被养蛊式游戏选中的她,最终能否冲破规则,脱离游戏,成为自由身.............末世、武林、战乱......修真、神魔...一个又一个世界,汲取力量,努力变强顺带看戏!无CP (手动避雷:第一个世界女主是有感情的,经过失望后才专注于实力的提升。 这是作者的第一本书,当初设定的就是让女主一步步的脱离束缚。 如今再看,有些地方确实是不那么讨喜的(???????)嘤嘤嘤~)
For as long as Emmeline can remember, she's longed to leave the isolated world of the settlement and explore the wilderness that calls to her in her dreams. And now that the Council has fallen, she will finally, finally get that chance. With First Peoples guide Matisa at her side, Emmeline rallies a brave group to join her on her quest into the unknown, including her beloved Kane and his two younger brothers. But the journey soon proves far more dangerous than Emmeline anticipated—with warring clans, slavers, colonists, disease, and natural disasters seemingly at every turn. After putting so many lives in danger, she starts to doubt everything she once knew. Did she make the right choice to leave the settlement—and can her relationship with Kane survive the ordeal? Matisa insists that to set things right and to fight the evil that is bringing all this danger and turmoil to the forest, Emmeline must journey to Matisa's people—even if that means leaving Kane behind.