这是一本站在青春的尾巴上的回顾和总结之书。直面内心,砥砺成长,献给80、90两代人的青春自白书。毕业十年了,但我们的青春依然不老。学生、中学教师、出版社编辑、北漂、作家、创业者……伴随着这些不断转换的身份标签,得到或者失去,辛酸还是荣光、荆棘或是迷茫,不管经历着什么,一路走来,我们都在变得越来越强大。这个世界上只有一种英雄主义,那就是在认清生活的真相之后依然热爱生活。致敬我们都曾路过的青春,致敬回忆里想见却不能再见的人。像男人那样思考 像女人那样行动
因手术失误染上绝症的“年轻”牙科医生,绝望间放弃了自己“年轻”的生命,在人生的最后一刻被天神的游戏选中。这是一个脱宅五年后被神拉回二次元的“年轻”人的故事。开局(魔女之泉)下一个世界(夏洛特)、(弑神者)、(素晴)…………This Boy's Life
This unforgettable memoir, by one of our most gifted writers, introduces us to the young Toby Wolff, by turns tough and vulnerable, crafty and bumbling, and ultimately winning. Separated by divorce from his father and brother, Toby and his mother are constantly on the move, yet they develop an extraordinarily close, almost telepathic relationship. As Toby fights for identity and self-respect against the unrelenting hostility of a new stepfather, his experiences are at once poignant and comical, and Wolff does a masterful job of re-creating the frustrations and cruelties of adolescence. His various schemes - running away to Alaska, forging checks, and stealing cars - lead eventually to an act of outrageous self-invention that releases him into a new world of possibility.