岁月静好、只待衰老。但这样单纯如一的爱,在乱世中,几成奢望。十八年来,他抗拒成长,抗拒女人,不惜自毁名誉,只为争得片刻自由。但在遇到她后,竟甘心沉沦,惟愿做她一生一世的良人佳婿。而她,却终究躲不开,在爱与被爱中苦苦挣扎。一世情债,三生之约,谁的过错,谁的伤心——唯道一声:思念如水、秋意正凉。注:狗血看点——一代玉石豪门齐府,貌似平静的表面下,暗流涌动。双生兄弟,有怎样不可知的心结?妯娌、婆媳之间,有怎样隐晦的较量?当最大的当权者介入这场爱情的角逐,搅起漫天的血色阴谋,这对如花美眷,又该如何应对?友情提示:不要相信你看到的,不要认定你想到的,真相永远在意料之外。连环阴谋,突破你的想象,比腹黑更腹黑,比狗血更狗血。The Piano Teacher
The most popular work from provocative Austrian Nobel laureate Elfriede Jelinek, The Piano Teacher is a searing portrait of a woman bound between a repressive society and her darkest desires. Erika Kohut is a piano teacher at the prestigious and formal Vienna Conservatory, who still lives with her domineering and possessive mother. Her life appears boring, but Erika, a quiet thirty-eight-year-old, secretly visits Turkish peep shows at night and watched sadomasochistic films. Meanwhile, a handsome, self-absorbed, seventeen-year-old student has become enamored with Erika and sets out to seduce her. She resists him at firstbut then the dark passions roiling under the piano teacher's subdued exterior explode in a release of perversity, violence, and degradation.