他穷追不舍,她避他如蛇蝎。 后来,他想和她结婚,想的不得了。 明琉月没忍住笑了出来,慢悠悠的从包里拿出了一个本子,摆在他面前,“我从我妈那里把户口本拿来了。”“所以,请问沐浔羽先生,准备好成为我的唯一法定配偶了吗?” 【1V1无脑甜】Endgame
Originally written in French and translated into English by Beckett, Endgame was given its first London performance at the Royal Court Theatre in 1957. HAMM: Clov! CLOV: Yes. HAMM: Nature has forgotten us. CLOV: There's no more nature. HAMM: No more nature! You exaggerate. CLOV: In the vicinity. HAMM: But we breathe, we change! We lose our hair our teeth! Our bloom! Our ideals! CLOV: Then she hasn't forgotten us.