传言,郡王府小郡主不良于行,偏甚得太后荣宠,一诏懿旨,赐婚于三世子,当夜,她便中毒而亡。再次睁眼,她是外星球的异能公主,木系魔法得心应手,更能笔起万物,洒豆成兵。废物?不良于行是她的伪装;懦弱?扮猪吃老虎是她的拿手好戏;无能?她一双巧手无人可及。他是当朝最为得宠的三世子,俊邪妖孽,武艺过人,智计无双,想要嫁给他的女人无数,他偏选择了不良于行的她。后来,他扔下一纸休书,她视若珍宝,潇洒离开。再次相见,她傲然而立,绝代风华,他怒不可遏:“你不是瘸子吗?”“谁告诉你坐轮椅的就一定是瘸子?我乐意,不行吗?”“既然不是瘸子,那便随我回去。”“不好意思,我已经收到休书了,不再是你的世子妃。”“本世子怎么不记得有写过休书?”“人不能太无耻。”“我有齿,还很白……”时过境迁,当她付出真心之时,才赫然发现,他竟是……而他所爱,更是另有其人……(文文先虐后宠,男女主身心干净,结局一对一!)To the Ends of the Earth
This is a one-volume edition of this classic sequence of sea novels set in the early nineteenth century, about a voyage from England to Australia. Rites of Passage (Winner of the Booker Prize) "e;The work of a master at the full stretch of his age and wisdom."e; (The Times Close Quarters). "e;A feat of imaginative reconstruction, as vivid as a dream."e; (Daily Mail Fire Down Below). "e;Laden to the waterline with a rich cargo of practicalities and poetry, pain and hilarity, drama and exaltation."e; (Sunday Times).