颜荞伊噙着泪道:“我不想唱了……我有点累了……” 萧寒羽冷声道:“没想到,你是一个这么容易就放弃梦想的人,你这么软弱,你对得起死去的景宇吗?!” 颜荞伊道:“……实不实现,都已经不重要了!” 萧寒羽抢过她的吉他:“既然不重要了,那你还抱着它干嘛,把吉他扔掉好了,你舍不得扔,我帮你扔,给我!” 颜荞伊死死地抱着吉他,热泪滚落道:“你干嘛!我不给!这是我的!你放手!是扔是留我说了算!你算老几呀!凭什么管我!你走开!” …… 萧寒羽道:“请问房东大姐,她的房租需要交多少?” 房东:七千! 萧寒羽对助理示意道:“孟钧把卡拿过来,刷后续一年的房租费给她!” …… 颜荞伊顶着选秀冠军的头衔,风生水起的踏进了娱乐圈,成为了一名真正的歌手! 她再也不是付不起房租的酒吧驻唱女歌手了。 某日媒体报道:新生代天后颜荞伊是萧寒羽女友! 她却一脸懵圈:“我是萧寒羽女朋友,我怎么不知道…...”夺心攻略:金主追妻36计
Burial at Thebes
Commissioned to mark the centenary of the Abbey Theatre in Dublin in 2004, The Burial at Thebes is Seamus Heaney's new verse translation of Sophocles' great tragedy, Antigone - whose eponymous heroine is one of the most sharply individualized and compelling figures in Western drama. Faithful to the 'local row' and to the fierce specificity of the play's time and place, The Burial at Thebes honours the separate and irreconcilable claims of its opposed voices, as they enact the ancient but perennial conflict between family and state in a time of crisis, pitching the morality of private allegiance against that of public service. Above all, The Burial at Thebes honours the sovereign urgency and grandeur of the Antigone, in which language speaks truth to power, then and now.