满京城谁不羡慕顾七实在是投胎技术好。顾七自己也觉得自己上辈子攒的运气一定都用在这次投胎上了。她是长公主嫡女,是长公主唯一的女儿,长公主生了三个儿子,直到三十岁才得了这个闺女,爱的如同心头肉一般。而他父亲,京城中有一句话传唱三十年,只求顾郎望、但死不足惜,被称作周国双壁之一的顾疏。偏偏皇上也疼她,皇帝是长公主的嫡亲哥哥,帝后感情深厚,偏偏没有嫡子,长公主生下顾七的当夜,皇后诊出有孕,喜得皇帝抱着顾七赐小名阿福。随着顾七的长大,她的美也展现出来,美如明珠光蕴,美如牡丹倾国,时人称周国明珠。若她只是美也就算了,京城里各家贵女还能安慰自己一下,偏偏人家能书善画,一笔丹青万金难求。谁都知道顾七是实打实的第一贵女。偏偏有一点,顾七她姻缘上有一点小问题,顾七一直到十七岁,也没订下亲来。受尽千娇百宠,手握富贵荣华的安乐郡主早打算好了要招婿上门,她说服了父母,挑好了入赘人选,满以为万事具备,谁知道却有黄雀在后。她记忆中软萌带点小别扭如猫一样可爱重点是随便欺负的太子小表弟,已经长成了强大而不动声色的老虎,正磨尖了爪子跟在表姐身后流口水呢。……啊对,说了这么多,是不是没说顾七的名字,她叫顾皎,皎若明月的皎。The Cheerleaders of Doom (NERDS Book Three)
Matilda "Wheezer" Choi, the asthmatic who can fly and kick butt courtesy of her nanobyte-enhanced inhalers, loves pro wrestling and hates anything "girlie." Maybe that's because she grew up with six brothers—or maybe it's because her home life has become a battle zone in the conflict between her parents. Unfortunately for Wheezer, when a former member of NERDS turned villain gets extensive plastic surgery in order to become a cheerleader, Matilda must swallow her pride to successfully infiltrate the squad. The newest supervillain, Gerdie Baker, assisted by the criminal mastermind Simon, has created a device that opens portals to other worlds, which she and the other cheerleaders have been pillaging. But the alternate realities are starting to get awfully close together, so it's up to Wheezer and the NERDS to stop the cheerleaders before the worlds collide.