沙漠部落、军部、向家堡三股势力在沙漠上展开了彼此攻伐,神秘莫测的桃花源叛徒哈里兽突然出现在地下城中,原来他是受到新联盟的委派,前来帮助向家堡消灭沙漠部落和兰虎等人,修为高强的哈里兽试图用自己精制多年的神剑坯体封印腾蛇,炼制成威力无匹的神剑,腾蛇不甘心被封印,与哈里兽厮杀起来,沙漠部落派出全部精锐战士,联合云岩城中倾向沙漠部落的军队首领,对向家堡发动了最后的反攻,向家堡被攻了个措手不及,向天道狗急跳墙,从自己的地下基地中引来了秘密研制多年的尚未完善的成千上万的各种基因兽,对攻打向家堡的众人展开了报复。10th Muse: Blade of Medusa
In Greek mythology there were 9 Muses, the daughters of Zeus, but history forgot one - The 10th Muse - the Muse of Justice, Emma Sonnet's birthright! Emma Sonnet is on the debate team, a cheerleader and popular. Everyone in high school has their secrets, hers being a superhero. This is a tale of one girl that will make a difference. When students on the swim team are missing, the 10th Muse must solve the puzzle of the Minotaur in time to save them.