本文1V1,男女主身心干净,女主宠夫,宠得无法无天,要亲亲不会给摸摸,要女儿不会给儿子!亲们请放心大胆的跳坑吧。*慕倾北,武安侯府嫡女,假的。父母宠爱?姐妹情深?情深不悔?通通都是假的。只有慕倾北爱云澈是真的。*云澈,齐国帝君胞姐长公主独子,生有惊鸿之貌,仙人之姿。父不详?痴傻?这都是骗人的。只有云澈最终爱上慕倾北不是骗人的。*百花宴上,帝君玩心大起,由众府嫡女抓阄,抓到哪个男人,便嫁给哪个男人,原本不该出现在字条上的痴傻云王竟然被慕倾北抓到了。众女皆是庆幸,还好不是自己抓到那个看起来正常却是傻子的云王。慕倾北更是庆幸,还好之前布置了一番,终于能嫁给他了。君无戏言,于是慕倾北在自我欢喜,别人同情的目光下嫁给了痴傻云王。*前世被养父母背弃换取活命的机会,被丈夫亲手做成人彘,被妹妹亲手杀死,最后还踩着她的尸体登上了后宫第一人的位置。重活一世,慕倾北只想好好守着她爱了两辈子的男人,无奈,前世不要脸的人,今生依旧无耻,为了保住好不容易算计来的夫君,慕倾北只好勉为其难的去收取前世被欠下的人命债了。养父母伪善?没关系,假面具用火烧一烧就掉了。妹妹蛇蝎心肠?那正好,送你一条毒蛇,和你正相配。八皇子紧追不舍,要娶侯府嫡女?不好意思啊,她是假的,不过她会把真的嫡女送上床的,虽然是披着人皮的毒蛇。竟然还有人不要命胆敢调戏云王?呵呵不好意思了,送你一个前世让你爱的痛彻心扉又死活得不到的男人,望君慢慢享用。慕倾北人前狡诈如狐,人后温柔如水。(P:人后特指亲亲夫君云澈。)须知爱一个人就要成为那个人的唯一,慕倾北为了成为云澈的唯一,拼了命的将云澈宠坏,这样没人能受的了天下第一美男的坏脾气,慕倾北自然就成了云澈的唯一。*【洗澡篇】某夜,只穿亵裤的傻王爷,和穿戴整齐的某王妃,以及一大桶冒着热气的洗澡水。“你自己脱,还是我给你脱?”某王妃软言好语。傻王爷瞪眼,护着下身,骂道:“流氓,你自己没有,为什么要看我的?”某王妃从善如流,开始宽衣解带,“那我也给你看好了,这样你也变流氓了。”傻王这回真傻了。【亲吻篇】某王妃看着伸出舌头,像个小狗一样在她嘴唇上舔来舔去的某王爷,有些摸不着头脑,“你在做什么?”某王头也不抬,模模糊糊回道:“亲你。”“谁告诉你这是亲吻?”New Life
'I read a book one day, and my whole life was changed'. So begins "e;The New Life"e;, Orhan Pamuk's fabulous road novel about a young student who yearns for the life promised by a dangerously magical book. He falls in love, abandons his studies, turns his back on home and family, and embarks on restless bus trips through the provinces, in pursuit of an elusive vision. This is a wondrous odyssey, laying bare the rage of an arid heartland. In coffee houses with black-and-white TV sets, on buses where passengers ride watching B-movies on flickering screens, in wrecks along the highway, in paranoid fictions with spies as punctual as watches, the magic of Pamuk's creation comes alive.The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget
In The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget, Josh Dorfman takes you inside the latest developments in green living to demonstrate how you can easily and affordably have your designer jeans and your planet too. From raising eco-conscious kids to greening your daily commute, Dorfman provides insights into the next wave of green innovation and the products and services that will lighten your planetary impact and lower your expenses. Find bargain basement deals on stylish organic bedding and bamboo furnishings at the largest retailers in the world. Score instant rebates on everything from compact fluorescent light bulbs to energy-efficient air conditioners. And earn reward points for carpooling with friends.?In a time when many people are feeling financially restricted, The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget is your guide to effortlessly saving the planet while keeping some extra cash in your pocket.