她不过是不小心加入了一场“混战”,就“捡到”了一个便宜大哥,这个大哥貌似有点腹黑还毒舌。什么?大哥要作为小弟的她当他女朋友?她囧了,说好的当小弟呢?某人说:抱歉,媳妇更重要。他,在人前清冷如竹,不食人间烟火,众所周知的学霸、男神;而在女孩面前,呆萌、温柔、爱笑,为她做饭洗碗,。她,顽皮,爱哭,爱搞事情,在少年的守护下慢慢成长,找到自信,努力地站在他身边。他,眼中只有女孩一个人,从来不在乎其他人。自始至终,他要等的人,不过就是她。她,一直以为自己不优秀,不漂亮,却不知他经常偷偷地掐断她周围的烂桃花;却不知在少年眼中,她是最耀眼夺目的。是他走进了她的时光,还是她温暖了他的时光呢?便看她如何把大神变成男朋友,如何把学霸撩到手,如何安安静静虐狗吧!。The Council of Mirrors (Sisters Grimm #9)
In the final volume in the Sisters Grimm series, Sabrina, Daphne, and the rest of the Grimms and their friends must face off against the Master to decide the fate of Ferryport Landing—and the world. When Mirror fails to escape the barrier using Granny Relda's body, he turns to his plan B: killing all the Grimms so that the magical barrier collapses. In the meantime, Sabrina has gathered the other magic mirrors as advisors on how to deal with their mortal enemy. They tell her to join forces with the Scarlet Hand against Mirror, in exchange for offering all the citizens of Ferryport Landing their freedom. This final chapter is the end of the road for several beloved characters, but the conclusion is sure to satisfy devoted fans of the series.一岁的小鹿