第一次遇见他时,见他和一个女孩在争吵,她好心上前去劝,可谁知他一看见她就开口叫她老婆,第二次遇见他时,她被他强吻,而后又被迫无奈与他同居,并且他还拿出一张婚约纸,靠!这什么节奏啊这,一来这学校,先是被人叫老婆,而后又是跟人同居,再来居然还多了一张婚约???Copy Right!模仿如何激发创新
《Copy Right!》为你展现专利法案的另外一面,不同于我们对版权与专利的传统理解,这些版权意识薄弱的领域——字体、美食、橄榄球、数据库、单口相声……为什么没有被盗版侵蚀地日渐消逝,而是更加的繁荣。《Copy Right!》作者卡尔·劳斯迪亚与克里斯托夫·斯布里格曼将为你一一解开生活中的仿制经济学谜团。Shadow of Apollo
When her gorgeous stepmother, Sylvia, makes plans to marry Glavcos Kyrou, an older, wealthy Greek gentleman, Jenny can't help but disapprove. Glavcos is domineering and arrogant--and Sylvia is clearly only after his money. Glavcos'son, Daros, is devastatingly handsome--and Jenny falls helplessly in love. But Sylvia is not immune to Daros'undeniable magnetism, and soon she has her eye on the son rather than the father. Sylvia always gets the man she wants--this time, will she take Jenny's?