一场意外,由上神变小仙。因祸得福,捡了个美人师父。可某女并不开心,都说师父如父。你说没关系?是的,某女也觉得没关系,立下宏愿,心心念念就想扑到这美人师父。可师父人美,心不美,老是整人为哪般?什么?还有情敌来袭?没关系,看某女如何做好防护。什么?还有阴谋诡计?没作用,观某女如何见招拆招。可兜兜转转,才发现这最大的阴谋竟是某女自己!Wife to Mr. Milton
The famous poet John Milton, author of Paradise Lost, had a wife, and their story is both strange and tumultuous. Consummate historical novelist and poet Robert Graves tells the story from the perspective of the wife, Marie Powell, a young woman who married the poet to escape a debt.From the start, the couple proves mismatched; Milton is a domineering and insensitive husband set on punishing Marie for not providing the promised dowry. John Milton and his young wife are both religiously and temperamentally incompatible, and this portrait of their relationship is spellbinding, if not distinctly unflattering to Milton. It also provides fascinating accounts of the political upheavals of the time, including the execution of Charles I. This book is an excellent read for fans of historical fiction.爱上伪良民:我本无良