本书精选北美中小学课本中的标准课文,涵盖的学科广泛,包括数学、语文、科学、艺术、生物、化学、体育等等。藉此你可以从中体验到美式教育的精髓。我们试图让你真正“浸入”到纯正的英语环境中,实现有意识记与无意识记的完美结合,充分调动自己无意识记忆的潜在能力,让英语学习不再是一件辛苦的事情。Let's Get This Party Started
Let's Get This Party Started is a guide to more than 15 parties you can throw for your kids that are inexpensive, wildly inventive, and fun. Each party includes two crafts, one game, and one recipeall of which you can put together with your child. Author Soleil Moon Frye also offers countless tips and ideas that will inspire you. Among the thematic parties featured in the book are the fairy party, the pirate party, the movie-on-the-lawn party, the camp party, the '80s party, the rainbow party, the Halloween party, the luau, and many more, captured in gorgeous and colorful images by Frye's brother, photographer Meeno. Timely and fun, this book is a must-have for parents who love entertaining with their kids. Praise for Let's Get This Party Started: Quality children's party books are high in demand, so this may be a welcome resource for families with young children … Recommended."Library Journal