【新文——盛宠弃妃:神医六小姐已经发布,很纯很纯的爱,很美很美的情,很深很深的恋。看弃女重生,素手弄风云,剥开重重阴谋,收获完美爱情】她端午节出生,是防爹克娘五毒俱全的毒女,虽是尊贵嫡女,却被弃如敝履。前世,她毕生谋略为萧澈夺天下,最后他却勾结妹妹害她性命。这一世,她必定刀枪不入、恣意张狂,打得他们摇尾乞怜。渣男哀求她垂怜,渣爹乞求她亲近,继母、妹妹跪地求饶……她冷冷一笑,早知今日何必当初,在她的字典里,没有饶恕只有罪有应得!Lend Me Your Ears
The third edition of an internationally best-selling collection of classic and modern oratory, Lend Me Your Ears offers numerous examples of the greatest speeches ever delivered—from the ancient world to the modern. Speeches in this edition span a broad stretch of history, from General George Patton inspiring Allied troops on the eve of D-Day to Pericles' impassioned eulogy for fallen Greek soldiers during the Peloponnesian War; and from Jesus of Nazareth's greatest sermons to Ruth Bader Ginsburg's fiery speech in response to the Bush vs. Gore decision that changed the landscape of American politics in our time.Editor William Safire has collected a diverse range of speeches from both ancient and modern times, from people of many different backgrounds and political affiliations, and from people on both sides of history's greatest battles and events. This book provides a wealth of valuable examples of great oratory for writers, speakers, and history aficionados.