《青少年科学探索·求知·发现丛书·时光机器:隐藏在时间中的科学》除解答与时间有关的知识外,还汇集了许多与时间有关的科普知识:欧洲月球探测器“智慧1号”飞往月球所花的时间是多少?航天员在空间站上最长的飞行时间是多少?美国“阿波罗号”飞船航天员从地球到达月球所花的时间是多少?第一只碳丝白炽灯的寿命是多长?“神舟5号”载人飞船飞行时间是多少?……答案尽在书中。The Infinite Moment of Us
For as long as she can remember, Wren Gray's goal has been to please her parents. But as high school graduation nears, so does an uncomfortable realization: Pleasing her parents once overlapped with pleasing herself, but now … not so much. Wren needs to honor her own desires, but how can she if she doesn't even know what they are? Charlie Parker, on the other hand, is painfully aware of his heart's desire. A gentle boy with a troubled past, Charlie has loved Wren since the day he first saw her. But a girl like Wren would never fall for a guy like Charlie—at least not the sort of guy Charlie believes himself to be. And yet certain things are written in the stars. And in the summer after high school, Wren and Charlie’s souls will collide. But souls are complicated, as are the bodies that house them…世界帝国史话 奥斯曼帝国
奥斯曼帝国,一个发轫于小亚细亚的征服者,它依靠好勇的草原传统和坚定的圣战信仰迅速崛起;它处于东西文明的交汇之处,掌握东西陆上交通达6个世纪之久;它将游牧部落的传统、波斯的艺术修养、拜占庭的政治文明和阿拉伯的科学文化融于一身,成为近东文化一道新的风景线;它曾经是唯一能挑战欧洲国家的伊斯兰势力,然而终究不能抵挡其近代化的冲击,沦为了欧洲列强角逐中东的牺牲品。The Zeppelin's Passenger