“女人花”系列攫取唐、五代、宋、明、清、民国等古今中国的杰出女性,以传记故事的形式叙述她们的传奇生平,及在传奇后瑰丽变幻的人生。孝庄文皇后:一个女人的史诗。海兰珠:关关雎鸠,在河之洲。董鄂妃:风流只向一人说。香妃:老去的传说。西太后慈禧:红妆照汗青。婉容:末代皇后。The Steep and Thorny Way
A thrilling reimagining of Shakespeare's Hamlet, The Steep and Thorny Way tells the story of a murder most foul and the mighty power of love and acceptance in a state gone terribly rotten. ?1920s Oregon is not a welcoming place for Hanalee Denney, the daughter of a white woman and an African-American man. She has almost no rights by law, and the Ku Klux Klan breeds fear and hatred in even Hanalee's oldest friendships. Plus, her father, Hank Denney, died a year ago, hit by a drunk-driving teenager. Now her father's killer is out of jail and back in town, and he claims that Hanalee's father wasn't killed by the accident at all but, instead, was poisoned by the doctor who looked after him—who happens to be Hanalee's new stepfather. ?The only way for Hanalee to get the answers she needs is to ask Hank himself, a "haint" wandering the roads at night.女职工心理健康手册(最新职工职业健康指导丛书)