全能千金,一朝醒来竟成了小农妇。家徒四壁,衣不蔽体,食不果腹。能咋办,凉拌!衣,手到擒来,苏绣、靓款、色彩,玄妙无双,美不胜收。食,繁复多样,酿酒、制茶、调冰,香飘四溢,沁人心脾。住,技艺精湛,水泥、油漆、家居,点睛之笔,神来之作。行,……额,这个就算鸟,灵气一出,嗖一下,快得很!小农妇日子风生水起,可惜天天要被死胖子压。被压还不算,一堆极品组团进犯。小农妇脾气暴涨,终于拿起大锅盖准备起义。相公不乖,抽,锅盖抽坏了,看还闹腾不!极品伪善,跪,锅盖跪稳了,看还瞎转悠不!终于,把一堆牛鬼蛇神收拾服帖了,可是,破除的禁制又引来一堆麻烦。更坑爹的是,胖子相公竟然有着那么牛逼哄哄的身份,就连她自己,也来头了不得。且罢且罢,蛇鼠一窝,端干净了最好!——————————————————————————————————————【种田】+【空间】+【玄幻】+【美男】+【衣食住行技能】+【强强联合】种田为主,玄幻为辅,温馨宠溺,只虐极品脑残,男主身心干净,妻奴忠犬一枚,文中美男类型多样,瑶瑶简介无能,望试读几章,坑品有保障哦!!!Oh Yeah, Audrey!
It's 5:00 a.m. on Fifth Avenue, and 16-year-old Gemma Beasley is standing in front of Tiffany & Co. wearing the perfect black dress with her coffee in hand—just like Holly Golightly. As the cofounder of a successful Tumblr blog—Oh Yeah Audrey!—devoted to all things Audrey Hepburn, Gemma has traveled to New York in order to meet up with her fellow bloggers for the first time. She has meticulously planned out a 24-hour adventure in homage to Breakfast at Tiffany's; however, her plans are derailed when a glamorous boy sweeps in and offers her the New York experience she's always dreamed of. Gemma soon learns who her true friends are and that, sometimes, no matter where you go, you just end up finding wkkk.net with hip and sparkling prose, Oh Yeah, Audrey! is as much a story of friendship as it is a love letter to New York, Audrey Hepburn, and the character she made famous: Holly Golightly.