一次任务,杀手女王惨遭陷害,穿越成软弱无能的相府三小姐。人人以为她还是那个软弱无能,遭到太子嫌弃的京中笑柄。实际早已新人换旧人:教训恶母、惩治庶妹,夺掌家之权。只为自己利益的她手段很辣,无所不用其极!当狠厉杀手遇到腹黑王爷——第一次见面,她在被人追杀,他的马车出现在她眼前。她喜上眉梢,拦马车、劫持他只为搭便车。第二次见面,他将计就计上演假春宫被她撞见。他一脸的似笑非笑,果断把她抓了进来,电光火石间将“淫妇”套在她头上,而他成了“奸夫”从此以后——她成了这个妖孽的专属,费尽心思只为跑路!然而,跑了n次被抓了n次的夏清韵终于不跑了。但是某王爷不淡定了,看着她身边那些蜜蜂,难道她找到心上人所以不跑了?那还得了!某王爷气势汹汹的去捉奸,却看到自家王妃坐在屋顶,看着远方神色幽怨。哀乐嘀咕:“儿子啊儿子,你什么时候来不好,我都准备要和北堂哥哥约好跑路了,你这让我怎么跑……”突然感觉身后一道清浅的气息,转头就看某妖孽一脸的玩味说:“你要带我儿子去跑路?”“……”看见他的俊脸,夏清韵双腿一软,差点从屋顶跌下。他是南国的耀王,手握兵权,冷血弑杀。却没人知道他是个宠妻无度的温柔王爷。他们两个会擦出什么样的花火?————本文一对一,男强女强,强强联手,男主专情,女主专一。推荐好友平南允夏现代文——情深意切,总裁前夫强势爱http://m.wkkk.net/a/1072093/m.wkkk.netBefore He Feels (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 6)
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 900 five star reviews), comes book #6 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.In BEFORE HE FEELS (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 6), FBI special agent Mackenzie White is stunned to be assigned a case with victims matching no profile she has ever seen: shockingly, all of the victims are blind.Does this mean that the killer himself is blind, too?Plunged into the subculture of the blind, Mackenzie struggles to understand, finding herself out of her element as she crisscrosses the state, racing from group homes to private houses, interviewing caretakers, librarians, experts and psychologists.And yet, despite the best minds in the country, Mackenzie seems unable to prevent the spree of killings.Has she finally met her match?