推荐霏霏最新短篇【惟愿你还喜欢我】“你要是敢走,就是逼我去死。”婚礼殿堂上,她以死相逼,他却离开的义无反顾。她因为他,成了整个京城的笑柄。冰冷的手术门口,她绝望,她哀求,她愿意放弃所有的一切,只求顾寒辞留下这个孩子。男人俯身,捏住她的下颚,眼底是毫不掩饰的厌恶,冰冷讥讽:“我的孩子,你配吗?”终于,她遍体鳞伤,心死如灰。她终于想要逃离这一切,可是那人却死死纠缠不放。她始终微笑,眼底没有半分波澜,平静地看着男人痛不欲生的眼神,“顾先生,我们已经离婚了。”苏以晚爱了顾寒辞十年,横跨了整个青春。她这辈子最后悔的,就是爱上了顾寒辞。爱顾寒辞的那个姑娘早就死了,死在了那个最冰冷的手术室里。The Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories
A New York Times BestsellerWinner of the 2014 Kirkus PrizeWinner of the 2014 New England Book Award for FictionA Finalist for the National Book Critics Circle AwardA Best Book of the Year for:New York Times Book Review, Time, NPR, Washington Post, Entertainment Weekly, Newsday, Vogue, New York Magazine, Seattle Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, The Guardian, Kirkus Reviews, Amazon, Publishers Weekly, Our Man in Boston, wkkk.net, SalonEuphoria is Lily King's nationally bestselling breakout novel of three young, gifted anthropologists of the '30's caught in a passionate love triangle that threatens their bonds, their careers, and, ultimately, their lives. Inspired by events in the life of revolutionary anthropologist Margaret Mead, Euphoria is "dazzling … suspenseful … brilliant…an exhilarating novel." Boston Globe