(1v1甜宠)夏夕颜被强行绑定了一个叫007的坑爹系统,丢到三千世界攻略黑化大BOSS。听到黑化二字,夏夕颜想都不想拔腿就跑。男神和命,命重要!结果掉到系统挖好的坑,被黑化大BOSS生擒……“呼叫007,你家宿主有危险。”“他真帅,脸俊,身材棒”系统花痴的声音响起。“……”夏夕颜。“女人,我们换个地方探讨一下人生大事。”黑化大BOSS邪魅一笑。“……”夏夕颜。夏夕颜哭得牛肉满面也改变不了被黑化大BOSS吃掉的悲催结局。AARP's 2014 Almanac
AARP's Almanac is packed with facts, figures and fun stuff relevant to people 50+. With a newly revised format, this treasure trove features--+ Ways to save money this year, including places to get free stuff (from good-for-you yoga classes to decadent doughnuts) as well as scams to avoid and seasonal best buys+ Milestone birthdays for celebrities, politicians and thought leaders, along with tidbits you may not know about them (such as who was inspired to become a lawyer by Perry Mason episodes?)+ A monthly guide to good health, seasonal power foods and delicious--and, yes, healthy--recipes+ Great vacation spots, film festivals, book fairs and food festivals nationwide+ Landmark 50th anniversaries to be celebrated in 2014, from the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act to the Beatles' debut on "The Ed Sullivan Show"+ Tips for reimagining your life+ Supreme Courts cases that could affect you and your family妖颜惑众:养个小妖萌萌哒