作为现代新新人类,捉鬼降妖、除魔为道,她千魂晓样样拿手。来到异世,她千魂晓照样过得滋润。在异世玩的风生水起,没事勾搭一下美人,没事骗骗小钱,总之怎样好玩就怎样玩。谁知某天把某妖孽勾搭上了。“晓晓~咱们何时洞房花烛夜?”某男轻声哄诱。“滚!”抬脚向他踢去。某男轻轻一躲,翻身搂住“谋杀亲夫可不好,为夫还得照顾娘子的后半生性福呢”“你——哼”扭头不理,突然眼前一黑,一张俊脸凑上前,直接含住了某女的唇瓣,良久才松开。某女气喘呼呼“流氓!淫贼!”“只对你流氓,再则为夫淫的是自家娘子,所以不算。……”情动的初心幻破灭,她成了天下之罪人,素手芊芊又待如何翻云为雨?桃花殇,弹一曲,可换回你浅浅一笑?Strangers May Marry
Laura had raised Mandy as her own ever since she found her homeless on the street. She loves the child as a daughter. But the authorities are threatening to take the child into custody, and Laura has no legal claim to keep her--and very few choices.Until she meets handsome, domineering Paul Penalis. He can help Laura keep custody of Mandy--but his help comes at a price. Can Laura pay it--and will she wind up losing her heart in the bargain?