前世,她是一介无名小偷,结果却在即将发大财之时,被冥王以“人品忒差”之名拉进了冥殿。然而一道天旨突降冥殿,让她侥幸获得一次重生。今世,她成了将军府嫡女。自幼丧母,祖母不疼,爹爹漠不关心,还撇下一个刚满八岁的小弟。前有渣姐恨她不死;后有姨娘想被扶正。总之没一个想让她好过。莫晓柏自认她没有太大本事,唯有整人手到擒来。渣男也想来凑热闹?哼,分分钟整死你!莫晓柏觉得这世上能对她负责的男人,必须是最有钱之人,必须是最帅之人,最重要必须是专宠她一人。某无赖太子:晓晓,等老头一死,我就是这世上最有钱之人,而且晓晓认为除了我谁还能称为天下第一帅?至于专宠,三宫六院仅你一人。娘子,你就从了我吧!Scorpion God
This title comes with an introduction by Craig Raine. Three short novels show Golding at his playful, ironic and mysterious best. In The Scorpion God we see the world of ancient Egypt at the time of the earliest pharaohs. Clonk Clonk is a graphic account of a crippled youth's triumph over his tormentors in a primitive matriarchal society. And Envoy Extraordinary is a tale of Imperial Rome where the emperor loves his illegitimate grandson more than his own arrogant, loutish heir. "The writing is brilliant, so fluent and stylish that the stories read themselves like a dream. "(Daily Telegraph). "As ambitious and as engrossing as the best of Golding. "(Financial Times).