一个迷乱的秋夜,袁明清等四位同事在一个洗浴中心打麻将被扫黄打非的警察当嫖客抓赌,为了洗清自己,他不得不找三年前与他相认却又关系暖昧的警花陈敏,往事如烟纠缠,无法摆脱,而妻子又因重病在此时住进了医院,照顾妻子的却又是一直暗恋着他的女孩子黎英,在欲望的洪流中,他究竟选择了什么归宿?是继续沉沦还是一夜觉醒,是听之任之还是摆脱命运的惯性引力?Seeing Things
This collection of Seamus Heaney's work, especially in the vivid and surprising twelve-line poems entitled "e;Squarings"e;, shows he is ready to re-imagine experience and "e;to credit marvels"e;. The title poem, "e;Seeing Things"e;, is typical of the whole book. It begins with memories of an actual event, then moves towards the visionary while never relinquishing its feel for the textures and sensations of the world. Translations of Virgil and Homer provide a prelude and a coda where motifs implicit in the earlier lyrics are given direct expression in extended narratives. Journeys to underworlds and otherworlds correspond to the journeys made by poetic language itself. From the author of "e;The Haw Lantern"e;, "e;Wintering Out"e;, "e;Station Island"e; and "e;North"e;.