地球上有数不清的江河,它们就像是地球的大动脉,日夜奔腾不息。这些大动脉哺育了大地,也孕育了人类文明。从某种意义上来说,人类早期的历史便是一部河流的历史。一条大河可以孕育一个民族、一个国家、一种精神……世界四大文明古国无不是在河流的哺育下成长起来的。因此,人们将江河赞誉为“母亲河”,如中华民族的母亲河是长江和黄河,俄罗斯的母亲河是伏尔加河。Haw Lantern
Widely and justly celebrated for his flawless handling of the lyric, Seamus Heaney is here shown venturing into new imaginative territory. Poems exploring the theme of loss, and in particular a sonnet sequence concerning the death of the poet's mother, are joined in The Haw Lantern by meditations on the conscience of the writer and exercises in an allegorical vein that will both surprise and delight the many admirers of his previous work. 'More than other poet since Wordsworth he can make us understand that the outside world is not outside, but what we are made of.' John Carey, Sunday Times